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Teeth Whitening in Donvale

Teeth whitening illustrationA brighter smile can naturally help your teeth look younger and healthier. If you’re embarrassed by the stain or discoloration in your tooth enamel, then professional whitening is one of the best ways to help your teeth look their best.

Candidates for Dental Bleaching

Before you start any whitening treatment, it’s essential to make sure your teeth and gums are healthy. A brief evaluation is all that’s necessary. You’ll want to be sure that there are no areas of active tooth decay, underlying gum disease or visible restorations in your “smile zone” that may stand out (being that restorative materials do not respond to bleaching agents).

Whitening is best for adults or older teens, whose teeth are fully developed.

Take-Home Professional Whitening

Most of our patients prefer take-home teeth whitening kits. These systems provide the best long-term results and make it easy to top-off as necessary. The best time to get one is immediately after your scale and clean.

To fit your trays, we’ll take a set of impressions and then use the moulds to create a custom delivery system. Our staff will show you how to apply the gel in a safe and effective manner.

Wear your whitening trays for 1-2 times per day for 10-14 days. You should start to see results within a few days, with full whitening about two weeks into the process.

Same-Day Laser Whitening

In-chair teeth whitening provides similar results as our take-home system but only requires one visit. If you’re short on time or have a last-minute important event, then a same-day treatment is an excellent choice.

Laser whitening takes about an hour to complete. It’s the quickest and safest way to get whiter teeth in one day, as the light technology naturally oxidises stain particles.

Our tooth enamel is naturally porous. As such, those of us who tend to consume a higher frequency of dark foods and drink (like green tea, red wine, coffee, etc.) will see more staining over time.

Keep your trays on hand and top off once or twice per year, preferably after your six-monthly check-up. Otherwise your initial whitening treatment will last around five years or so.

Teeth whitening is one of the fastest, most-conservative and affordable ways to transform your smile’s appearance. We frequently suggest bleaching prior to other types of cosmetic procedures, as it allows us to create the brightest environment to match new restorations against. After all, porcelains and composite materials are custom-shaded and will retain the same colour; they cannot be bleached at a later time. It’s best to start out with a whiter smile so that all areas look as natural as possible.

Our office selects the best gels for our patients’ whitening regimen and level of stain. We prefer the Pola Advanced Teeth Whitening gels, which are proven safe and effective for minimal sensitivity.

A Whiter Smile is One Click Away

For professional teeth whitening Donvale, request your consultation today.

Any invasive or surgical procedure may carry risks. Before moving forward, it is recommended that you seek a second opinion from an appropriately licensed medical professional.


Teeth Whitening in Donvale, VIC | 03 8821 4688

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